mouthwatch teledensitry In the year 2024, even George Jetson gets his teeth checked online_theHotBleep

MouthWatch Teledentistry connects dentists and patients virtually

Teledentistry is the use of information technology and telecommunications by dental professionals to connect with patients remotely, overcoming barriers such as distance, affordability and access. 

There are four ways teledentistry works:

  1. Live video
  2. Store-and-forward
  3. Remote patient monitoring 
  4. mHealth

To learn more about Telehealth, click here.

You may be wondering, why are we giving you an intro to teledentistry, well that is because of who we are talking about today: MouthWatch Teledentistry. 

MouthWatch Teledensitry is a comprehensive cloud-based platform for dental professionals and patients. 

It differs from traditional dental care because it moves consultations and checkups from the dentist’s office to a software called TeleDent™ (which facilitates remote dental care). 

Core Features of TeleDent™

Secure Communication: TeleDent™ facilitates secure communication between patients and dentists. This includes features like:

  • Secure Messaging
  • Sharing photos and clinical files
  • Sharing clinical images, audio recordings, and video recordings
  • Live video conferencing (recordable) for consultations
  • Sharing care documents like visual treatment plans

Streamlined Workflow Management: TeleDent™ offers tools to:

  • Build and share clinical and treatment plan documents electronically.
  • Simplify and standardize repetitive clinical tasks.
  • Manage cases efficiently within the platform.
  • Manage the entire teledentistry operation from a centralized dashboard.

Analytics and Reporting:

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Technology and Innovation

MouthWatch ensures the security and privacy of patient information by adhering to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) regulations. Patient data is protected through high-level encryption, guaranteeing sensitive information remains secure during transmission and storage.

Equipment and Devices Needed to Use MouthWatch Teledentistry Services

Intraoral cameras: These cameras capture detailed images of the patient’s oral cavity, aiding in diagnosis and treatment. 

Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is necessary for seamless communication between dental professionals and patients. 

Mobile Device or Computer: to access TeleDent™.

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Pros and Cons of Mouthwatch Teledentistry

Implementation and Usage

A typical teledentistry consultation using the MouthWatch TeleDent™ platform is:

Before the Appointment:

  1. Patient Makes Appointment: You contact your dentist’s office and schedule a teledentistry consultation through TeleDent.
  2. Online Intake Form: You might fill out an online form beforehand, providing your medical history and dental concerns.

The Consultation Day:

  1. Secure Video Connection: At the appointed time, you’ll connect with your dentist through a secure video call on your phone or computer.
  2. Introduction and Discussion: The dentist will greet you, discuss your concerns, and ask questions about your oral health.
  3. Visual Examination (if needed): You might use a MouthWatch intraoral camera, to take close-up pictures or short videos of your teeth and gums following the dentist’s instructions. The dentist will be able to see these images on their screen during the call.
  4. Diagnosis and Treatment Plan: Based on the discussion and any visuals, the dentist will provide a diagnosis and recommend a treatment plan, if necessary.
  5. Follow-Up and Next Steps: The dentist will explain the next steps, which could include scheduling an in-person visit for further examination or procedures, prescribing medication, or recommending over-the-counter treatments.

Final Thoughts

MouthWatch Teledentistry is doing something really great. It is not novel as other platforms such as DentalMonitoring are already doing it. As with all things, it is wonderful to have more than one platform offering patients the opportunity to care for their teeth from the comfort of their homes and for dentists to offer the best possible care for their patients wherever they may be. 

We would love to know what you think about MouthWatch. Tell us in the comments section below.

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