lura-made a metal detector for your teeth-thehotbleep

Lura Health wants to monitor your health 24/7

Lura Health is working on a small device that can be attached to teeth. This device would track your health in real-time using Bluetooth technology. It could be used with things like braces or retainers.

You might think of saliva as just something that helps with digestion and keeps your mouth moist, but it’s so much more. Saliva contains so much information about your body, from your hydration levels to signs of infection and even your metabolic state.

Lura Health is harnessing this bodily resource to provide information about personal health like never before.

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The company plans to submit for FDA de novo classification in late 2024.

How Lura Health Device Would Work

You stick the sensor onto your teeth. The sensor checks your saliva for things like pH levels, glucose, lactate, and cortisol. Then, it sends the information to your phone. If there’s something wrong, your phone will tell you.

Why all of this matters

Lura Health is important because it would make it easier for people to track their health. By finding problems early, you can save money and improve your overall health. You can also monitor your health easily and without pain and make better decisions about your health based on your own data.

What the Experts are saying

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