
Baymatob Intends to Fight Postpartum Hemorrhage with AI

Baymatob is a company that is developing a product called Oli. 

Oli is a wearable maternity sensor that uses AI to analyse various health data points in pregnant women. The goal of Oli is to identify those pregnant women who are at higher risk of postpartum haemorrhage (PPH) before they give birth. 

Oli is still under development.

Baymatob's Oil for pregnant women and women in labour
Image Credit: 9news.com.au

How Does Baymatob’s Oli Intend to Work

From what the creators are saying, there are two main things Oli would have to do to work effectively. 

1. It would collect various health data such as:

  • Vital signs like heart rate.
  • Physiological changes during labour such as uterine contractions. 

2. The health data collected would be fed into AI algorithms trained to identify patterns associated with PPH risk factors. 

The Future of Baymatob’s Oli

For now, there isn’t much information on the progress made on the device or the full list of features that would enable Oli to carry out its function. All we know is what it wants to do and that it would use artificial intelligence.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that Baymatob has received $3.25 million in funding from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to further develop Oli PPH and bring it to market.

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