a game-based treatment for ADHD

Akili Interactive is Gaming Your Way to a Better Brain 🎮

🤯 Akili Interactive is Gaming Your Way to a Better Brain 🎮

Have you ever heard of a video game that can be prescribed by a doctor? Well, that’s the reality with Akili Interactive, a company developing digital therapeutic games designed to improve cognitive function.


Founded in 2011, Akili Interactive is a healthcare company that creates video games aimed at treating and managing cognitive conditions. Their flagship product, EndeavorRx, is the first FDA-authorised video game treatment for children with ADHD.


  • Engaging gameplay: These are different from your typical educational games. Akili’s games are designed to be fun and challenging, keeping users engaged in therapy.
  • Personalized experience: The games adapt to the user’s performance, making the difficulty level just right.
  • Clinically validated: Akili’s games have undergone rigorous testing to prove their effectiveness in improving cognitive function.



  • Non-invasive treatment: A video game offers a welcome alternative to traditional medications for some patients.
  • Improved accessibility: Video games can be more accessible and engaging than traditional therapy methods.
  • Potential for early intervention: Games can be used to identify and address cognitive issues early on.


  • Limited scope: Currently, Akili’s games are only approved for ADHD.
  • Screen time concerns: Some parents might be apprehensive about their children spending extra time in front of screens.
  • Cost: Access to the games might be limited by insurance coverage.


Akili’s games use algorithms to track a user’s performance on various cognitive tasks. The games then adjust the difficulty level and stimuli based on the user’s individual needs. This personalized approach aims to improve attention, focus, and processing speed.


Akili’s games are currently targeted towards children with ADHD. However, the company is developing games for other cognitive conditions, such as autism and major depressive disorder.


Akili’s technology has the potential to transform the way we approach cognitive healthcare. Here’s how:

  • More engaging therapy: Games can make therapy more fun and motivating for patients, especially children.
  • Potential for remote care: In the future, game-based therapy could allow for more accessible and convenient treatment options.


While Akili’s technology offers exciting possibilities, it also presents challenges:

  • The role of therapists: Therapists will still be crucial for diagnosis, monitoring progress, and providing overall support. However, their role might evolve to include integrating game-based therapy into treatment plans.
  • Reimbursement and accessibility: Ensuring that insurance covers game-based therapy will be essential for making it widely accessible.


A look at the reviews for EndeavorRx on Google Play, reveals how the game has been received. Here are some of the reviews:

Some had no issues with it.

So far, so good. Downloaded the app and input the activation code received with the prescription from Phil Pharmacy. The game runs smooth but it certainly wraps up the difficulty after a few missions. Finished the tutorial and day 1 sessions. We will see how it goes over the next few weeks!

Thomas “Tmac” McGuire

Others found it overpriced but effective nonetheless.

100 a month price, reflects a play on parents fears more than the cost of research and development. With over 35 years of gaming experience and after 9 years of looking into price gouging products that add the words adhd or autism to the labels, its obvious and disappoints me a great deal. I’ve seen 100 for $5 turn into $20 a piece by adding those words. This product helps because, he is using words associated with a mental awareness of course, so that’s a plus. Overpriced as it is. Worth itISH!

Mountain Man

While there are those who hoped it was inclusive to adults with ADHD.

You know it really dies baffled me that that mental illness is only supported when your young but if you need help when your an adult your out of luck, which is funny because it doesn’t go away as you age, it might get a little better or worse but It will never be gone, so it is just crazy if your adult with these isues,, then your down a creek without a padle because there is little to no supported if you have mental issues and are an adult. I just don’t understand it.

Gc “craker141”


The potential of Akili’s technology is exciting. Here’s a glimpse into the future:

  • More conditions, more games: Expect Akili to develop games for a wider range of cognitive issues.
  • Virtual Reality integration: Imagine even more immersive therapeutic experiences through VR.
  • Remote therapy possibilities: Game-based therapy could offer new avenues for accessible and convenient care.

So, is Akili Interactive single-handedly changing healthcare? Not quite. But their approach is a game-changer.  By making therapy engaging and accessible, Akili paves the way for a future where improving cognitive function can be, well, fun!

This technology has the potential to:
  • Transform the way we approach cognitive healthcare: Especially for children, games can make therapy more motivating and effective.
  • Offer new tools for therapists: Akili’s games can complement traditional therapy methods.
  • Increase access to care: Game-based therapy could provide a more scalable and affordable treatment option.

While challenges remain, Akili Interactive’s innovative approach is a positive step towards a future where healthcare can be both effective and engaging. We’re excited to see how this space continues to evolve.

What the Experts are Saying

What do you know about Akili Interactive? Tell us on hotTrust.

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